About Us

Kojex Consult

We also create application programmes for different professions and all kinds of record keeping and data collections. You can view a list of our projects in our portfolio page.

We in addition to all these, train people to design web sites, database and write application programmes so as to become self reliant in the precarious century.




Ernest Okojie
CEO Kojex Consult Technologies

Ernest is the power engine of the organization. He had his B. A. English and Literature, 2006 (University of Benin) and M. A. 2011 (University of Ibadan). He spent 2007/08 training for graphic design, web development and programming before founding the organization in 2008.

The entire staff of kojex consult is wishing you a lovely surf of our site.
For further enquiries, you can send us an email at nestkojex@yahoo.co.uk or call us on 2348035850780.